2018년 대한민국
전자 기술력부문 우수상
AR/VR content supply contract with China's 87870.com
2017 Service Mundus 2.0 Selection of Leading Companies in the Service Industry
Development of a 2D augmented reality pop-up book.
Selection of Free E-book Free Planning Contest (Naver, Korea Publishing and Culture Industry Promotion Agency
Multi-media e-book production: A time trip to Baekje 1,500 years ago (Baekje World Heritage Site)
Patent registration of an apparatus and method for implementing an interactive fairy tale book.
Korea Electronic Publishing Awards for Excellence (Lion King Gabi's Adventure "Unchanging Faith")
"The Adventures of the Lion King Gabi" 10 paper books and e-books (contract for copyright sales with China's Jillim Publishing Group, domestic Awesome Kids)
Supply of contents and design development of the Seoul Children's Meal Service Management Support Center.
Development of Interactive Fairy Tale Appbook (Korea Technology Venture Foundation)
Establishment of D&P Corporation Co., Ltd.
Award status
Patent for interactive e-books
Copyright registration
2016 Korea Electronics.
Best Publishing Award.
In 2018, Korea.
Best Electronics Technology Award.
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